Wednesday, May 18, 2011


-Jer's uncle died last week. We got the job of trying to locate his first family (two daughters and an ex-wife) that he hasn't spoken to in more than 20 years and notify them of his death. We have almost no information to work with. The funeral is Friday and we have sent a few emails but none of them have been returned. No idea if we're barking up the wrong tree or not.
-I had two funky spots removed last week, luckily they both came back with no issues. If they could heal a little faster though, that would be nice.
-Ava has an appointment with a surgeon June 9th to have a mole on her head removed. She is very nervous and of course she starts swim lessons two days later...not sure how that is going to work
-Lily had an appointment today with an ENT and it turns out she needs to have her tonsils and adenoids out. July 11 is the big day and we'll be staying for 24 hours. We're both very nervous. Even though I know it's been done millions of times I still don't like it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


My computer has an issue and is possibly dead.

In other news I am kinda unstoppable when I don't have a computer. I have accomplished so much crap in the last few computer-less days.
