Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Escape Artist Hound

We were in WI for the last week due to a death in the family. Marty spent that time at the kennel.

Jer went to pick him up when we got home on Sunday and relayed the following story.

Jer- So I walked into the little office thing and nobody was there so I flipped the light switch om the wall to let them know I was waiting. I was starting to get pissed cause I had been waiting for almost five minutes and then I hear clickety clickety click coming down the hallway. I turned and here comes the hound walking from the back room, alone. He freaks out and attacks me as per usual. Nobody comes, it's just him. So I start thinking what the hell, are there cameras in here or something that they knew to let him out?
A minute later the lady comes out and takes Marty by the collar all exasperated saying "Oh you dog, come on, back in you go" and takes Marty back into the kennels. She then comes back into the office and asks me who I'm picking up. When I tell her Marty she laughs and says that he has been escaping. Somehow he gets through two gates with latches and nobody knows how he does it.

I guess nobody can keep this hound down. Maybe that bionic back is the secret. I think it has more to do with his bionic nose. After all his nose has a record. He has already broken two toilet tanks with it. It's a nose to be reckoned with, don't take it lightly. I'm pretty sure he could break your leg with that thing if you pushed him far enough. Don't let the ears fool you, he's dangerous.


  1. sorry to hear you had a death in the family. great story about your dog!

  2. He looks positively vicious!
    Please give him a kiss on the lips from me...
