Part of the fun in moving in the middle of winter is you have to wait and see what kind of yard you will have in the spring. We were told the previous owners had done a lot of planting. Still, you never know what you're going to get.

We are starting to find out. In a big way. I am up to my eyeballs in green here people and I'm loving every minute of it! Colorado.....not so green. I know, I know. But the mountains? The lakes? I'm sure they exist, just not where we used to live in Strasburg, CO. Here's a picture...

Ok, back to the pretty. My parents have Lily of the Valley growing next to their house and I always loved them. I just love how dainty and un-flowerlike they look. I love the color of the leaf against the super white of the flower. They just make me say, ahh. I always said I wanted them in "our next house."

And here they were, waiting for me. ALL over my house! I am so glad we moved!
I LOVE Lilly of the valley. No really....I fucking love it! My jealousy is showing isn't it?