Thursday, October 21, 2010

Interview with a five year old - The Ava edition

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Pink

Q: Favorite food?
A: Skyline (kids Psghetti Special, chocolate milk, oreos)

Q: Favorite veggie?
A: Brussels sprouts and turnips, I can't decide.

Q Least favorite food?
A: pink cabbage and also meatballs (pink cabbage = red cabbage)

Q: Favorite show?
A: Shark Tales

Q: Favorite game?
A: don't have one

Q: Favorite book?
A: Mistletoe

Q: What will you be when you grow up?
A: a vet

Q: Will you have babies?
A: Yes, only one. I will name her Daisy.

Q: Will you get married?
A: Yes, I'm going to marry Daddy

Q: Where will you live?
A: Wisconsin, I'm going to be neighbors with Grandma and Grandpa

Q: Who is your best friend?
A: Austin

Q: What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?
A: Fight him

Q: What about Mom?
A: Cook

Q: What does Dad do for work?
A: Digs for dinosaur bones I think.

Q: How about Mom?
A: Takes care of us.

Q: What did Mom do before you were born?
A: I don't know, a photographer?

1 comment:

  1. These interviews are great - wish my girls liked vegetables as much as yours do : )
