Saturday, October 23, 2010

To DS or not to DS, that is the question

Lily is a video gamer. She loves playing by herself with Ava in the background as a coach. She loves playing with friends. Her favorite however, is playing a team game with her Dad. They beat Super Mario Brothers for the Wii together and still play it often. They are now working on Super Mario Brothers Galaxy 2 for the Wii. She can hold her own when Jer and I play Smash Brothers and she can navigate any game after about 5 minutes of us helping her figure it out. She has even opened all the race tracks on Mario Kart Wii.

For Christmas this year I thought I'd give her my old DS Lite and a couple games geared for her age group as well as a Mario game that she has already played on the wii, like Super Mario Brothers.

After doing some research I found out that if you have two Ds's they can share games and communicate wirelessly. How cool is that? So my kids in the back seat or kid and husband can be playing the same game together on their little hand helds. I love it. 8 hour car rides will be much less painful.

Buuuuut... I only have one old Ds. I'll have to buy another one at $129. Ouch. And here's the thing. Ava loves to watch video games but plays them less than her sister. If I don't buy her one I run the risk of having a Christmas morning meltdown on my hands and that whole wireless function? all for nothing.

I thought about scrapping the whole DS idea but I keep coming back to it for Lily. She would love it, and it could grow with her. I know it's a toy that I will not be ready to throw out in a year due to uselessness.

I guess my Christmas budget is just going to have to stretch a little further.


  1. I struggled with this exact same dilemma...the used DSs are almost expensive as a new one. I rationalized the cost of a new one thinking that technically it's divided in half since one of the boys would be getting Mike's old DS. Still haven't made up my mind yet either. I struggle still with investing too much in video games.

  2. I got Emma a pre owned one last year from "santa", and it was much cheaper. Have you thought of looking at Gamestop/EB Games, or Craigslist, or Ebay? That may be the way to go.
