Friday, March 27, 2009


1. I am annoyed because my husband is sooo freaking tall that he can not find clothes that fit him. He needs a 42XL sport coat if anyone has any ideas or can find something online please share.
2. I am truly proud of my girls today (so far, knock on wood) they've been in panties all day because the "Big Girl Fairy" (catchy right?) came last night and took all their diapers away. She left them brand new panties and a wrapped gift to open before bed if they do all their pees and poops in the potty today. Ava was absolutely terrified of wearing panties and has now peed and pooped in the potty and had NO accidents!! Lily was ready a long time ago and is totally into the big girl thing. I am so proud!
3. I went to the fridge a minute ago to get my leftovers from the Mexican restaurant and they were gone. I was pissed. Hubby always steals my food.
4. I called a fence guy to give us a quote and he'll be calling me early next week. Let's all think cheap thoughts.
5. I have had the eye twitchies all day yesterday and today. I am totally over it.
6. I've been thinking about Morgan a lot lately because there are TONS of trains here. I hope Jeanette is alright. I want to call her but then chicken out because I have no idea what to say to her. I'll just continue to pray for her and her family. He would be 5 in April, I think.
7. I bought myself a new purse/wallet combo yesterday and I already want another.
8. I am excited to do the girls Easter baskets this year. We're doing the whole thing complete with Easter egg hunt. Did I mention I'm excited?
9. My house is a mess but I got a ton of stuff accomplished already today and the day isn't over yet. Hopefully I will wash, fold, put away all of the laundry.
10. I wish my Dad was coming down here for the weekend I could use his help around the house. While we're at it I wish my parents lived down the street.


  1. I too wish my parents lived much's heartbreaking...and I have to ask about #6...can you share?

  2. My friend Jeanette in Colorado lost her son Morgan at about this time last year. He was born with heart problems and underwent surgery when he was a tiny baby. He was doing pretty well, had started preschool, was walking with a walker, really on the upswing, and then he got really sick very quickly.
    His funeral was beautiful and horrible at the same time. His uncle made a speech about how we will always know he is with us when we hear a train whistle because Morgan loved trains and that will be his way of telling us he's ok.

    I've just been thinking about them a lot and hoping they're ok.
