Sunday, March 22, 2009

strange children

The ladies march to their own tune. They do their own thing. They are unique individuals.
At least that's what I tell myself when they do something strange like dip their food in their beverage (Ava) or smell books that are not scratch'n'sniff (Lily). But every once in awhile they do something that is just more strange than their average.
Please see the following examples.

This is Ava asleep under her bed. I found her this way every night and every nap for about two weeks.

Here we have a classic example of the ladies first choice in head wear, the winter hat. They wear these hats almost every day in some form or fashion, most of the time to sleep. Don't worry, we do have heat.

Last night the girls found the fabulous monkey I received at GW and Ava became infatuated with it. She asked to sleep with it last night and her Dad gave it to her. She tried to snuggle with him before giving up and asking to have him stay on her dresser. Surprisingly he made it until morning and she never demanded to have him removed, which happens often around here.