Tuesday, April 21, 2009

home again, home again

Nothing like driving in the rain for 7 hours with a migraine.

It was really good to see my hubby again and I missed my house. This was the first time I had left it since we moved in and I wasn't sure if it would feel like home when I returned. I guess that's why I still refer to my parents house as "home" as well. When you move around a bit you start to get confused. That's also why I can never remember my phone number or my zip code half the time.

We had a good visit even though the kids were sick. We got to see all the local family and I returned with 4 scrapbooks to scan and archive as best I can. One of them was my Great Grandmother's and the others were my Grandma's.

I also have many culinary specialties to show you, but that may have to wait till nap time. Please contain yourselves.


  1. ...missed you! As much as I could possibly miss someone I don't really know and have only met once. This is weird. Goodbye.

  2. Im wondering if this house will feel like " home" when we come back, or if I will be hiding in the basement of my Dads place trying to evade leaving when the time comes...

    I still think of the colorado house as home...no mind the other people living in it. its still mine....
