Friday, April 10, 2009

so much to do, so much to do

We're in for a busy weekend and an even busier week.

Saturday we have some running around to do, hopefully including ordering tile for the bathroom remodel. Buying any last minute Easter junk (batteries for the Leapster) and maybe the plug in adapter thing (thoughts on that?) for the Leapsters the ladies will be receiving from the Big Bunny.

Sunday we have all of our Easter festivities, including a big breakfast, an egg hunt, and hopefully a picnic or hike (providing the weather cooperates). At the end of the day we'll sit around and stuff ourselves and eat chocolate.

Monday morning the ladies and I are headed to WI to visit Grandma and Grandpa and the rest of the family. I am looking forward to a Ponza Rotta and some apple pie baked in a brown paper bag from the Elegant Farmer. I plan on going to John's Root Beer at least once for cheese fries and a medium frosty mug of root beer, I will return with a cooler full of cheese curds and cheddarwurst sausage.

For your viewing pleasure I'll keep you updated via photographs.


  1. Sorry about the late comment... We just use batteries for out Leapsters. Buy in bulk at Costco. Have a great time in WI!! Yum- I love the cheese curds!!!! Hope that bunny brings you something good!

  2. chease turds...yum, I only like them fried.
